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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Why Consider A HRM Micro-Credential?

It’s no secret – employees are among the most expensive and critical components to any successful business. As such, the person responsible for hiring, compensating, training and firing employees is a valuable asset, and one worth developing to support key business objectives such as:

  • Staying abreast of changing government regulations
  • Limiting legal liabilities
  • Succession planning
  • Managing change
  • Creative problem solving
  • Increasing a positive impact on the bottom line

Who Should Consider A HRM Micro-Credential?

GCC’s Human Resource Management (HRM) Micro-Credential provides foundational training for those who are:

  • New to the human resource (HR) field
  • Currently working in HR, but would benefit from formal training
  • Seeking to enter the HR field

Learning & Skill Development

The HRM Micro-Credential is comprised of three courses: Human Resource Management (BUS207), Organizational Behavior (BUS214) and Introduction to Creative Problem Solving (CPS101). Among the topics covered in these three courses are:

  • Identify legal compliance governing the human resource function
  • Explain current approaches to employee relations, diversity and inclusion, ethics and globalization
  • Discuss HR strategy involved in the effective planning, recruitment, retention, performance management, job design, and the compensation and benefits functions of an organization
  • Identify proven methods in building and managing effective teams
  • Develop coaching and mentoring methods and best practices in implementation
  • Practice facilitation, problem identification and analysis, and problem-solving skills
  • Understand how to apply organizational behavior concepts such as creativity, innovation and change management
  • Cultivate personal HR leadership skills

And much more…

Attention Employers:

Students apply these skills to REAL JOBS in REAL TIME!

Toward the end of GCC’s HRM program, each student identifies and researches one real challenge facing their current employer and develops a viable solution with an implementation plan!

Good News! Anyone interested in starting, advancing or switching to a career in Human Resource Management will be encouraged by information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Through 2028, there is a 7% growth rate predicted for human resource managers and specialists to help organizations navigate, grow and succeed in an increasingly complex workplace. With the median salary of $113,000 per year, and median wage of $54 per hour, human resources is a powerful career choice.

Getting Started

To discuss the HRM Micro-Credential opportunity, contact Dr. Lina LaMattina, GCC Professor and Director of Business and Commerce,, 585-343-0055 Ext. 6319.